Rodney Washington otherwise known as "HotRod". HotRod was the first DJ for the University of Notre Dame (Football and Mens Basketball Team). He DJD 10 Seasons. Rodney graduated from Chicago State University with his bachelor degree in communication. HotRod helped premiere artists like JuiceWrld, ChanceTheRapper, Tobi Lou, Young Ma, Dreezy, Tink, Jack Harlow, and more. As he continues to grow in the city of Chicago, he collaborates his brand with many others like ChanceTheRapper (Social Works hosting Teen Open Mics), Hosting Nickelodeon Slime Fest 2019, and being featured on WGN TV on Chicago's Very Own segment where he shines a special light on the city motivating, guiding, and helping others in the community and city.
info@viberight.usLive To Inspire - Music Fest